Teaching Materials and Activities

We use math puzzles and math games in our work. The following resources and activities are intended to be examples of what we do and what you can do.

Choose a category or browse by scrolling down:

Building Sets
2D Pattern Sets
Shape Challenge Sets
2D Puzzles
3D Puzzles
Logic Games
Miscellaneous Puzzles
Paper Demonstration Toys
Demonstrations and Equipment

Building Sets – While there are many plastic and metal construction sets that are generally quite educational, these sets are specifically intended for creating models of mathematical objects. Children will make random objects and weapons at first; it may be helpful to provide pictures of math shapes and assistance with construction.

Geofix – Geofix, formally Geoshapes, is a kit with flat polygons of different shapes and colors that snap together to form 3D or 2D models. This allows you to make a wide variety of 3D shapes as long as you have the correct polygon sides.

ZomeTool: This set consists of rods in several colors and sizes and balls to join the rods. The rods of one color are different lengths but one shape; they can only be put on the balls in certain directions. This system encourages users to build certain complex shapes. You can create complex 3D shapes with ball connectors and plastic rods.


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Puzzles and Games

2D Pattern Sets – Many sets are available for small children. The sets are used for free-form constructions as well as some directed games. Look for more varied shapes than just squares and triangles.

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2D Shape Challenge sets – These games present you with a limited collection of pieces that must be put together in different ways, according to a deck of challenge cards or a booklet of problems.

Brick Logic

Brick By Brick – Form a wall with all of the bricks in the shape on the card.

Shape Logic

Shape By Shape – Form shapes on each card.

Square By Square

Square by Square– Form shapes on board for each card.

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2D Puzzles – There are many types involving pictures and patterns. These are not jigsaw puzzles; they are solved by logic and deduction.

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3D Puzzles – Everyone loves to assemble the pieces back into the original form. It may help to have a model or a photograph of the original shape. You may need to become proficient in solving the puzzle as others will learn by taking it apart. There are many kinds of puzzles available in wood and plastic as well as online 3D printer instructions.

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Logic Puzzle Games – This is a wonderful and popular kind of game for all ages. There is a deck of challenge cards that progress from beginner to expert; you set up the challenges first and try to move pieces around according to the rules of the game. Although the puzzles are essentially for one player – there is no competition or two-player play – you may find that several people can work together and help each other. Each kind of game is a unique exercise for your brain that makes you think in unfamiliar ways, so it is very important to do the challenges in order as they each teach you techniques you will need for the next challenges. Children often tell us that they are so mighty that they can start on the hardest problems, but these children usually get frustrated quickly and give up; go in order.

Rush Hour

Rush hour  – Rush hour is the most popular and widely-available logic game. Each challenge is an initial arrangement of cars that need to be pushed around to allow a special piece to escape the board. It comes in versions with a range of difficulty as well as in variations with different types of pieces.

Laser Maze

Laser Maze – A difficult but fascinating puzzle that requires you to reflect and split a laser beam to reach one or more targets. This takes some sophistication to understand how to set up each challenge. 

Laser Maze Jr

Laser Maze Jr. – A beautifully simplified version of the Laser Maze that is easy for young children to use.

Lunar Landing

Lunar Landing – Move the landing robots until you reach the center red square..


Tipover – Set up the towers on the card, then tip each over and jump to the next until you reach your destination.

Chocolate Fix

Chocolate Fix – Look at each group of hints to figure out the position of each chocolate piece on the board.

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Miscellaneous puzzles – These are puzzles that must be solved by moving pieces or building objects.

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Demonstration Paper Toys:

Ring of Tetrahedra
Cube to Octahedron
Square Flexagon
Cube Inside Out
Combination Toy
Octahedron to Rhombic Dodecahedron

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Demonstrations and Equipment:

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[Complete list for reference]

  1. Pattern Blocks
  2. Shape sets
    1. Square by square
    2. Shape By Shape
    3. Brick By Brick
  3. Pentomino types
    1. Pentominoes
    2. Kanoodle
    3. Fantastic Island
    4. Tangoes
  4. 3D dissection
    1. Plastic cubes
    2. Wood soma cubes
    3. Purple Cube
    4. Green Cube
    5. Purple octahedron
    6. Tetrahedra
    7. Triazzle 3D
    8. Soft Cubes
  5. Building
    1. Cyclone
    2. Geofix
    3. ZomeTools
    4. Tensigritoy
    5. Expandigon
  6. Logic
    1. Rush hour, extra decks, jr
    2. Tipover
    3. Laser Maze Jr
    4. Laser Maze
    5. Hopper
    6. Hopper/red frog
    7. Subtrax
    8. Go-Getter 1,2
    9. Chocolate Fix
    10. GridWorks
    11. Lunar Lockout
    12. Pete Spike
    13. Tilt
    14. Hotspot
    15. Stormy Seas
    16. River Crossing (1,2)
    17. Top This
    18. Cover your tracks
    19. Solitaire Chess
    20. Marble Maze
    21. Leapin Lizards
    22. Color Code
    23. Pin hole puzzle
  7. Misc puzzles
    1. Bottle, yellow puzzle with two balls
    2. Elephants
    3. Rings
    4. The Brain (levers)
    5. Interlocking metal puzzles
    6. Raging rapids
    7. Sneaky squares
    8. Port To Port
    9. Log Stacker
    10. Skyscrapers
    11. Diamond Eyes
    12. Coast-To-Coast
    13. Jumpin’ Frog Jungle
    14. Alien
    15. Mind Jewel
    16. Green Ball
    17. Alcatraz
    18. Otter
    19. Double Circle
    20. Logic Master
    21. Oops Pyramid
    22. Oskar’s Challenge
    23. Martin’s menace
    24. Number Crunch
    25. Gordian’s Knot
    26. Locked Sticks
    27. Slide Rules
    28. Conceptis games
    29. Chain of Squares
    30. Foldup Tetrahedron
    31. 3D glasses/pictures